case study: Red Gem helped Projects By IF to develop their brand position in order to spread their mission to new audiences and communities across social media

Projects by IF, company logo
Multi-coloured examples of icons representing data usage in the context of trust and security

Who are they?

IF is a technology studio, specialising in ethical and practical uses of data.

Where were they before working with us?

IF makes ethical data use delightful and commercially viable. The team prototypes products worth trusting and, working with companies, they test and research tomorrow’s technologies so that they serve people

What problem were they facing?

Projects by IF has a strong mission and a personality to match. But the leadership team was conscious that in a digital world, it was not using social media to its full potential. IF asked Red Gem to develop a long-term social media strategy, as well as training in order that their in-house team could execute the strategy

What did we do to solve it?

Working alongside IF’s Business Lead, Ploipailin Flynn, and Founder Sara Gold, Emel conducted a brand positioning workshop which formed the foundation for the brand’s social media communications. 

Emel designed and delivered a training programme for IF’s in-house Social Media Lead, Jazmin Morris. She also worked alongside Associate Marketing Specialist Charlene Prempeh, providing strategic advice on the launch of the Manifesto for Society-Centered Design.

What results did we achieve?

Sara Gold launched the Manifesto for Society Centered Design at IAM Weekend 2020 which was hastily moved online as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. IF’s social media activity helped to amplify the community’s overwhelmingly positive response and the uplift in IF’s social media activities received excellent feedback from its online community

Client Impact Statement

“Emel ran a series of insightful workshops for me on marketing, social media and analytics. Her presentation style is accessible and open and her content is accurate and up to date. I have learned so much and I feel confident in my new job role due to training sessions run by Emel. I love how she uses metaphors to describe behaviour on social media, it really helped me understand. Thank you!”

Jazmin Morris, Projects By IF